Wednesday, August 5, 2015


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Sometimes it seems that the most magnificent photo shoot locations are just outside of my front door. This was particularly true when my sister and I adventured out to take the shots below. (Before I get too deep in thought here, let's take a moment to praise my little sister for being so fantastic and helping me to take these photos. She is getting pretty darn good! My plan of building a convenient photo assistant seems to be working, her natural artistic talent helps too. Extra praise for her putting up with my directing.) We literally took most of these just blocks from my building. The first few photos, and the ones with the outstandingly beautiful windows, were taken across the parking lot at the new PNCA building. 

I am always in awe of the quick reconstruction of the once Federal Building, especially because it seems to have been completely renovated within the last year.  Over the course of this year, I watched the transformation while clutching the leash of my dog, and walking him over to his favorite resting spot. I would sort of zone out and I would attempt to notice any changes. I noticed that the outside looked very much the same, but everything else was dramatically different.  

I too have changed just like this very building. Thinking back on this period now, there were so many different and significant events that happened in my life. I am forever grateful for those moments and how they have all led me to where I am now. I am appreciative of the work done to preserve this piece of art of a building. Not simply because of its beauty, but because in a way, it feels representative of the transformations I have made myself. 

My sister and I didn't get very far out of my heavy apartment building door, before we looked at each other and realized how ridiculous we must look. I was wearing this fire engine red outfit below (incredibly over dressed, nothing new) and she was wearing a Beatles tank top, Adidas leggings, and flip flops. Yes, I said Adidas. We laughed at each other briefly and continued on. We have never been know to worry about walking around in unusual outfits and getting a few surprised looks. We figure, we can't be the most weird people walking down the streets of Portland anyway. 

Keep Portland weird, or whatever it says all over those walls around the city. 

Jumper: BCNU (TJMaxx $13.00)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Necklace: Perry Street | Kayla Necklace (Rocksbox)

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