Thursday, March 27, 2014

Such A Simple Time

It's a funny thing, this time business. It has been going by at such an incredible rate to me. So quickly, in fact, that I hadn't even noticed that I have neglected to do a blog post since January! 

That's just absurd. 

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Spring is here in Oregon, and that means I better be ready for any sort of weather (Sun, rain, sleet, wind, hail, snow even? You name it, we have it!) and... I should probably start tucking my black clothes away into the dark end of my closet (Yes, it's color-coordinated), which consumes approximately a third of it. 

What can I say? Black doesn't stain and in my lifetime, I have accepted the fact that I am just going to be terribly clumsy, most of the time. I have learned this and tested it by watching the reaction on my older sister's face whenever I pick up anything of high monetary value. She seems to have been there most of the times I ever broke or spilled anything while growing up. She knows me well. 

The truth is, even in Spring and Summer, black is still one of my favorite colors, no…shades is a more appropriate term… It's just so simple. I have really been on a minimalist kick lately, when it comes to dressing. I am unsure where this desire of simplicity is stemming from. Perhaps, it has just developed with my age, I mean 25 is rapidly approaching! Whoa. 

There is something so nice and comforting about simple things like a minimalistic style. Maybe it's because the beauty of it is often not appreciated, and it goes unnoticed, that I find to be so intriguing. This is probably the reason you will rarely find me wearing jewelry (plus, it's just incredibly uncomfortable to me).  Perhaps, it's something entirely different, and it's associated with the fact that there is always so much going on all of the time. I think looking in the mirror shouldn't reflect that chaos too. 

Whatever the reason, I find it to be simply lovely. 

Here's a look that is somewhat in-between seasons. I was feeling bold and just went with bare-legs, but this look could easily be paired with some warm black tights. 

Blazer, Shorts, + Shirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Dolce Vita